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Looking for a Reception place for September 2025? Please ring the school office on 0208 654 3570 to come and see us. Look out for our School Video!
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You are the light of the world.
A city built on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14

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Heavenly Father please help me to:

  • Respect others and rejoice in their achievements.
  • Endeavour to learn something new every day.
  • Accept and celebrate the differences in others.
  • Continuously rise to every challenge.
  • Honestly reflect on my own actions.
  • In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Free School Meals

Did you know the government gives additional funding to schools for those children entitled to free school meals? Schools use this money to obtain additional staff and resources that help improve the quality of education.


To find out whether your child qualifies for free school meals, and hence whether their school would receive additional funding, please fill in the details requested using the link below.

For the second year in a row, all children will receive school meals funded by the Mayor of London.
