Inspection Date
St Mark's was inspected by Ofsted on 12/13 March 2023.
This was the first ungraded inspection since the school was judged to be Good in June 2017.
St Mark's Church of England Primary Academy continues to be a good school.
Key highlights:
- Pupils enjoy attending this friendly school. They are safe here because staff understand them and care for them.
- Pupils behave well in lessons. Low-level disruption is rare.
- Leaders prioritise the teaching of reading. Staff read to pupils each day, generating a sense of anticipation and excitement as the story develops.
- Leaders ensure that pupils’ personal development is promoted through the curriculum and through wider opportunities.
- Leaders have established an ambitious curriculum for all pupils.
- Leaders make sure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have their needs identified quickly and accurately.
- Staff are proud to work at this school. Leaders engage with staff regularly and support their well-being.
Read the full report here