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Looking for a Reception place for September 2025? Please ring the school office on 0208 654 3570 to come and see us. Look out for our School Video!
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You are the light of the world.
A city built on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14

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Heavenly Father please help me to:

  • Respect others and rejoice in their achievements.
  • Endeavour to learn something new every day.
  • Accept and celebrate the differences in others.
  • Continuously rise to every challenge.
  • Honestly reflect on my own actions.
  • In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

How are Children from Non-Christian Backgrounds Included?

How are children from non-Christian backgrounds included?

As a Church of England School, St Mark’s C of E Primary  Academy is both distinctive and inclusive. This means that we warmly welcome all children to share in a Christian-based educational setting whether they are from a Christian faith, an other faith or of no faith.


We believe that everyone is unique, special and loved by God.  All should be accepted without prejudice.; "For we are all made in the 'image' of God" Genesis 1:27


One of our core values is the value of respect; this value is at the heart of all school life. It is very important for us to us to teach children to respect each other, even if they hold different beliefs to their own.


Our Collective Worships are fully inclusive and all children are encouraged to think and reflect on the theme being conveyed.  Children can choose to close their eyes and reflect or join in with the prayers.
