School Values
Our Vision
Inspiring minds, achieving excellence, nurturing faith
We are a small and caring, family orientated Church of England Academy serving our local community with a determination that all children will flourish at our school.
Our vision for our children is to inspire them through our values based ethos, encouraging a life-long love of learning and a determination to excel and grow into compassionate, resilient and responsible adults of the future.
Our Mission
As a Church of England Academy, Christian values are central to the life of our school, where we worship together, serve together and grow together. We build relationships based on honesty, respect and trust. Our learning environment provides a happy, calm and purposeful atmosphere with a culture of high expectations for all. We educate and nurture the whole child through an exciting and creative curriculum which develops children’s knowledge, skills and experience across a broad subject range encouraging all to excel.
Our School Values Prayer
Heavenly Father, please help me to:
Respect others and rejoice in their achievements
Endeavour to learn something new every day
Accept and celebrate the differences in others
Continually rise to every challenge
Honestly reflect on my own actions
In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen
Our Values: